by Scarlett Parrish
3.5 stars. The majority of the issues I had with this book stemmed from my dislike of Piper, the h. She came across initially as a confident woman who knew what she wanted and went after it. Not aggressively but with some assertion. I understood, as the book went on, that she was vulnerable and frig...
This is an *excellent* erotic romance. I love how Parrish explores themes that are usually glossed over (eg - magic hoohah sex that isn't reciprocal).
Long Time Coming is a very shallow story (in line with: I luuve you because you are gorgeous and make me come...repeatedly) with some of the hottest sex scenes I have ever read.
At the beginning of this book I thought Piper was ok as the female lead but by the end of the book I found it very hard to like her or believe in her character. There were a lot of inconsistencies in the characterization that put me off. I found it very hard to believe that someone who could blith...
More like 2.5 stars. I really wanted to like this one, and have heard great things about this author. Unfortunately the heroine didn't work for me. She was too naive, too self conscious and I couldn't find a way to like her character. The only thing that saved this book for me was Ian. He was sexy a...
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3.5I adored Leo. He was fabulous. He was brash and crude and oh so yummy. And the sex scenes were HOT.Piper, however, falls into the TSTL category. At the beginning she is terrified of her ex (BTW his name was Andrew Kincaid. I had a hard time hating the dude because one of my favorite changeli...