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Lorcan's Desire - Community Reviews back

by S.J.D. Peterson
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Heller rated it 11 years ago
What the hell did I just read? That was not what I was expecting at all. Passing on the rest of the series.
Tami rated it 11 years ago
...enter life-threatening situation and I am out of here...DNF at 39%.For me Lorcan was a chick-with-a-dick - and I so didn't dig the Laurell-K-Hamilton-memorial hairdo...The prose went into flowery, not hot, incredibly stilted territory and I was so embarrassed to read this aweful, aweful sex scene...
Rain on Roof
Rain on Roof rated it 12 years ago
Just about didn't finish it. Didn't like the whining and angst, about drove me nuts. And Jess? No self respect. Lorcan needed a boot in the bum. Quinn just made me feel sad. Not sure I want to read more thanks.
JustJen rated it 12 years ago
Took me forever to read this, though not from any lack of pushing from my friends. It started out kind of slow and sort of repeats itself until you really understand the issues, which drove me a little crazy.Poor Lorcan has always dealt with people judging him and assuming he was gay based on his l...
Quirky Musings
Quirky Musings rated it 12 years ago
Ery rated it 12 years ago
Sigh.. I could have liked this, I think. Interesting premise and parts I started getting into. But...3 huge things held me back:1) extremely tell-ey. To the point where one of the characters would comment on something another did or a characteristic of the other and I was like .. Wait , what?2) I ha...
MM Good Book Reviews - Thommie's Books
Damn it, this book just broke me into pieces.
Nic Starr
Nic Starr rated it 12 years ago
Really loved the whole Whispering Pines Ranch series. Each book was thoroughly engaging and thank goodness I waited until they were all released before reading them - each book left me eager for the next story and I would have been disappointed to have to wait!What made the series special was the di...
No Glitter Blown
No Glitter Blown rated it 12 years ago
Angsty, sweet, heartbreaking, breathtaking and boy do I need to read #2.
Jenn rated it 13 years ago
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