by Rachel Neumeier, Emily Durante
So, I honestly thought I had read this book, and only got it out to re-read it. It turns out that I hadn’t read it at all, or at least have no memory or record of doing so! Which is a shame, since it’s a really marvelous story. (Also, there’s the whole favorite author/Twitter friend thing.) I love t...
This reader's personal opinion, ©2014, all rights reserved, not to be quoted, clipped or used in any way by Google Play, or other commercial booksellers* I loved this book. It drew me into its world immediately we got to the Griffin's desert. Not with too much description or infodump...
So, this was fun. It took me some time to get used to the names but it was fun. Moving on to the next!
Tried to get started on this one several days ago and have resigned myself to DNF-ing it after feeling no enthusiasm to continue. I didn't get far in, just to the part where the heroine meets the griffin and *SEMI-SPOILERISH SORRY* discovers her magical mage powers due to the griffins. This is where...
This review was originally posted at Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog on April 3, 2012.I probably would have never bought this book if a) I hadn’t got the third one for free and b) this one plus the second one was on sale in an omnibus version a few years ago when c) I was flush with money and buying books w...
Umm. I'll get there some day.
Tenemos 3 reinos, con diferentes habilidades: Legisladores, Hacedores, y Feierabiand, que es el reino de los que tienen Afinidad por animales. La adolescente Kes vive en una pequeña villa rural con su hermana mayor que cría caballos, mientras que ella le ayuda curándoles con hierbas. Kes es una chic...
Kes is up in the woods collecting herbs for her stock when she spies the Griffins flying in the distance, and is distracted by their beauty. After Kes returns home to her sister Tesme and their helper Jos, she goes into the small village with her sister to celebrate the birth of magnificent horse of...