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3.5 starsSjoberg is a new-to-me author and I'm happy to say I think her writing works with me. I enjoyed the work of the reapers here; and both the MCs were likable enough. However, I also felt that the romance was not very prominent. David spent more of his time on page training Adam (whom I actual...
July 27, 2015: Free on Amazon
oh, Grave Intentions, I just can't seem to finish you. Sadly, this will be tossed onto the DNF shelf. At 54%, I'm still waiting for a plot to emerge. One that ties in the Hero's soul reaping and the Heroine's job as a scientist. Something with a little conflict to make things interesting. Right no...
Oh man, I love it when a book comes as a surprise. And not just a surprise but a really, really pleasant one. Dave Anderson is a grim reaper. He, along with seven other reapers, work in the Orlando metro area harvesting souls. In this book reapers exist to help people who die unexpectedly (by ...
3 Grim Reaper-y StarsDavid has been dead for a long time. As a punishment for a sin he created while he was alive, he's been made into a Grim Reaper. He has to continually, day after day, watch people die. He sends them to heaven or hell. His afterlife really sucks.And then he meets Sarah. She's ali...