Los Angeles Lies takes place in a time (1969) and a place (California) that give rise to a sense of something both magical and sinister existing on the other side of the veil of ordinary life. In that ordinary life, Vivian Shipley, a young woman who works for the Adventure Map Company, becomes...
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Los Angeles Lies takes place in a time (1969) and a place (California) that give rise to a sense of something both magical and sinister existing on the other side of the veil of ordinary life. In that ordinary life, Vivian Shipley, a young woman who works for the Adventure Map Company, becomes entranced by the stories her boss, Richard Roche, spins about his life. Their own love story is wrapped up in the fantastic journeys promised in the maps they produce, the secrets Vivian discovers about her own family, and the tales Vivian and Richard tell each other, taking them both into territory neither has explored before.
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