Sixteen children and four adults are killed in a devastating boat crash in Copenhagen. Detective Chief Superintendent Konrad Simonsen is called in, only to discover that this was no accident and that one of the passengers has a very personal connection to the homicide team. Reeling from this revelat...
I love reading books by Scandinavian authors. They always write so well and tell great stories. This book is no exception. I will tell you that with the names of the people, cities, etc. they can be tedious. Again, this book is no exception. That being said. This was a great story. I loved how the a...
En fin lille samling af danske "jule" - noveller. Det varierer lidt hvor meget jul, der reelt er i historierne, men det kan jeg personligt godt se igennem fingre med.Det er velkendte forfattere, der har bidraget til samlingen, og det er altid lidt sjovt at se hvordan veletablerede skribenter klarer ...