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Well, it is September 7th which means that it is the Australian Federal Election, and it is also the last day that I have to put up with the internet bombarding me with all of this political advertising. I remember that only a few years ago I could flee to the internet to escape the relentless bomba...
I was crouched next to Molly Ivins in the elevator going to her own book reading 20 years ago. I didn't know what she looked like but I thought: this very strong woman is preening for the whole elevator and I have no idea why. She had the misfortune to work as an editorial writer in Texas, which ele...
My namesake is a scary control freak!
The portrait Ivins paints of then Texas Governor George W. Bush is not of a stupid man, but rather an intellectually lazy man. A child of privilege who had everything handed to him and believed he had earned it. In other words, an adult frat-boy.
This book was written in 2003; kind of a long time in the whole politics thing, but I picked it up brand new for $1, so I figured better late than never.I am pretty glad I read it; I would have paid much more than $1 to learn some of the information in the book (of course no one should have to pay t...