Jerry Spinelli's beloved character, Stargirl, returns and reflects on time, life, Leo, and—of course—love. What happened to Stargirl? A year has passed and Stargirl returns to reveal her new life. Taking the form of, as Stargirl calls it, "the world's longest letter," Stargirl tells her story in...
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Jerry Spinelli's beloved character, Stargirl, returns and reflects on time, life, Leo, and—of course—love. What happened to Stargirl? A year has passed and Stargirl returns to reveal her new life. Taking the form of, as Stargirl calls it, "the world's longest letter," Stargirl tells her story in a journal/diary. Going from date to date, Stargirl mixes memories of her bittersweet time in Mica, Arizona, with involvements with new people in her life: Dootsie, her five-year-old "best friend"; Alvina, combative tomboy-turning-girl; Betty Lou, sage agoraphobic; Arnold, who wanders town in a solitary game of hide-and-seek; Margie of Margie's Donuts, self-proclaimed "World's Best!"; Charlie, who spends his days in a folding chair at the grave of his wife Grace; and Perry Delloplane, who lays his own claim to Stargirl's heart.
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