by Amelia Bishop
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an an honest review through the DBML program.The entire premise of Love You Forever is fascinating. Rick and Cole are high school sweethearts and on the same night they come out to their parents, they are cursed by a drunk fae, mad that his lover has c...
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.Silenus suspects his long time lover, Dionysus of being unfaithful. He drinks himself into a drunken state. Both are fae/ gods? Cue Rick and Cole. Young lovers who have each just come out to their families and are about to set off to college. Col...
~ Review by CarolineCole and Rick are 18 and they have both just come out to their parents. Coles parents are fine, Ricks not so much. All grand plans about being out and proud, dating, holding hands in public and all the other things they have dreamed about are quickly forgotten when 2 Fae walk out...