by J.R Ward
I loved Zsadist. In all the previous books he is continually portrayed as a hard, mean, almost-evil type of person. But, I wanted him to be something different. And J.R. Ward let him be that something different without actually changing him. (Confusing, I know, but it is what it is.) Zsadists's past...
LOVE AWAKENED is the third book in J. R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood novels. The story follows Zsadist and Bella, who was involved in a storyline in the previous book. LOVER AWAKEND continues this story, answering the questions readers are left with at the end of LOVER ETERNAL. As in the previ...
Easily my favorite of the series so far. I don't know if its because I listened to it. Or because finally getting into such a dark character's mind is just that intriguing. You know an author is excellent at writing when they can quickly make you hate a character to loving a character in a matter of...
I am so glad that I read this book it is definitely one of my favorite books in the series. I hated Zsadist before this book. He has such a heartbreaking story that you can't help but feel for him... This is much darker than the other books in the series. Zsadist is so brooding and full of self l...