by Mary Jo Putney
Boring. Blargh.
One of my favorite romances ever. A definite keeper, some romance, some far-fetched coincidences, and good characters.
3.5. This was a lot of fun, but highly unbelievable. At least the author just went for it rather than trying to cover for the crazy by making everything else normal. It made it fun instead of ridiculous.
2.5/3 stars Okay so I pretty much went into this with high hopes and anticipation. Unfortunately it was a painful infuriating read to get through for the first half of the story. I was sorely tempted a few times to just up and quit this book. It was that bad for me. The storyline had a lot of delici...
Generic amnesia plot, with just enough danger to keep it from getting too boring. Not anywhere near Putney's best, but not her worst either.
While I truly did enjoy this story, there were some things towards the end that were just so ridiculously contrived that I found myself shaking my head asking WTF? This really should have been a 3 star read because of that, but I chose to ignore it. I do love a good amnesia story and it was a good l...
Two things that show up way more in romance novels than in real life, Dukes and amnesia. This one has an amnesiac Duke. And that wasn't even the hardest to believe thing in this book. Actually, that's well within romance novel plot standards and since I enjoy romance novels and I'm not a stickler...
Sensiz Olamam kitabı sıklmadan okuyabileceğiniz bir kitap. Benim yeterince ilgimi çekmiş ve bitirene kadar başından ayrılmamıştım. Yazarında anlatımı güzel. Özellikle baş erkek karakterimizin başından geçen hafıza kaybı olayında geçmişten kesitler hatırlaması sahnelerini çok ilgi çekici bir şekilde ...