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This is fun: a son of a super-villain puts on his father's costume, only to join with the heroes daddy dearest has been fighting. With a superhero convention, and plenty of in-jokes - Joker visiting someone in prison, Rogue flying by in a panel - and winks to the superhero genre, this is a fun, fu...
A technology empire is bequeathed to a son who finds out his father was not at all who anyone expected. Ashes in a Cookie Monster container labelled 'All Mine'? Had me laughing out loud, so loud that my sister asked me what I was laughing at. And I showed her, then we were both laughing out l...
Eugene Goodman: Psych Doc to Superheroes everywhere.And that's basically the whole premise. Right there. The writer takes all your known comic book heroes, alters them enough to avoid copy-write, and has them bring their angst to the couch. There's a few action scenes, and a confusing sub-plot regar...
Read Issue #1 for free on Comixology. Reminiscent of a Tony Stark character, but younger and has some father issues. Would read more if it were to ever be available at the library. The art is a bit too cartoony for the material IMO.
So what happens when two basically inept Rebels on the Tantive IV decide to disguise themselves as storm troopers instead of facing certain death? A very silly series of comics. Tag and Bink are everywhere, usually in disguise, and usually doing no good. (It's revealed in the prequel comic that Anak...