okay the book says in the tradition of go ask alice. so i knew what i would read but i didnt like it at all...its not about the drugs its that the book is exactly the same as go ask alice which i loved but i would like to read something different and not the same shit again and again. the only diffe...
A modernization of the classic [bc:Go Ask Alice|46799|Go Ask Alice|Beatrice Sparks|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327870536s/46799.jpg|2115708]. It was interesting, but it seems to be missing something that Alice had.
Ahhhhhh, this book had it all. It had drugs, it had alcohol, it had sex and it had me hooked within a few pages. Welcome to the world of sixteen year old Lucy. Her once “boring” life has suddenly changed and now she is sitting on top of the world, or at least she feels she is sitting on top of th...