Pearl doesn't know how she's ended up in the river--the same messy, cacophonous river in the same rain-soaked valley she'd been stuck in for years. But here her spirit swirls and stays . . . Ada, Pearl's daughter, doesn't know how she's ended up back in the house she left thirteen years ago--with no...
You know, I really wish publishers would stop using Angela Carter in blurbs. It's not that they're always wrong, but for devoted Carterites like myself, it builds up expectation to a ridiculous degree. (I'm still holding off reading some of her early works and journalism because then I would be unbe...
bookshelves: autumn-2014, shortstory-shortstories-novellas, published-2013, fradio, fantasy Recommended to ☯Bettie☯ by: Laura Read on September 25, 2014 Hattie Morahan reads the next story up for this prestigious award, a chronicle of the hap...
This book was wonderfully strange and poetic. I love short story collections, but I don't think I've ever read a collection quite like this one. Each story takes a magical twist on a basic human emotion or a common situation people find themselves in--cheating husbands, loss of a loved one, etc. ...
My full response to this collection appears here, at Buried In Print.Whimsical and lyrical: Lucy Wood's short stories will touch the curious and sensitive reader who is willing to believe.If you like your stories to be rooted in realism, Diving Belles is not for you, but if you enjoy discovering the...
Here is, essentially, my experience with this book: one) I thought, 'awww, funky cute cover!'; two) I flipped to the back and thought, 'awww, cute author!'; three) I opened the book and read the first few stories and thought, 'ohhellyeah!'.I raced through this slender volume in a day -- managing thr...
Made for 4 Extra. Amanda Lawrence reads Lucy Wood's story.Story #2 - I must have a closer look at my Astral Cream pot....Lovely writing, whimsical stories, delightful.