Caught between a dream and reality, Brianna Rafferty finds herself in a unique love triangle between two guys that cast her into the most spellbinding journey of her existence. Orphaned at a young age, Brianna resides with her aunt in the small town of Holly Ridge, North Carolina, where she...
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Caught between a dream and reality, Brianna Rafferty finds herself in a unique love triangle between two guys that cast her into the most spellbinding journey of her existence. Orphaned at a young age, Brianna resides with her aunt in the small town of Holly Ridge, North Carolina, where she stumbles into Gavin Mason, the sexy dark and mysterious new guy who defiantly has a secret worth uncovering. Gavin might absorb her days but it was Lukas Devine who had her nights. The boy next door guy of her dreams – literally, Lukas heats up her dreams and blurs her heart. The more time she spends with them, the stranger things become. Her senior year is proving to be anything but ordinary.
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