by Daisy Harris
There’s nothing like a bit of necrophiliain the morning. Our RoboZombies (the zombies are actually referred to as ‘steins’, as in Frankenstein) don’t decompose and still retain all of their bodily functions so there are no ball sacks falling off during fellatio or penises detaching mid-coitus (oh...
$4.76 on Nook
My review cross-posted from Joyfully Reviewed: was reanimated for one purpose — to be the bride of her controlling, obsessive creator. The newly created stein is rescued by a fellow stein who is more than a hot reanima...
Romancing the Dark Side Review:There are such things as sexy zombies!Josie is a fledgling zombie, created by, yes, a mad scientist named Adam, to respond to physical contact and be his new bride. Assassin Bane Connor, also a zombie, is on a mission to rescue Josie from her creator and bring her to Z...
Made the list for..Best Badass Zombie Books.., hot, erotica with zombies (ok "Steins" as in Frankensteins..loved the play on words). Of course I'd love it. Had a great twist for the storyline. Another reviewer described this as "high tech ...