by Desiree Holt
Lust Unleashed by Desiree Holt is an awesome paranormal romantic suspense. Ms. Holt has once again delivered a book that kept me glued to my e-reader from start to finish. When the Chupacabra kills his wife and daughter, billionaire Craig Stafford gathers a group of law enforcement people that hav...
A Lusty Detour on the Path of Revenge3.25 StarsI was intrigued by the concept, especially the Chupacabra angle, but things just felt rushed for me. The concept warranted a longer story, and most of the little things that kept this from rating it four stars stem from wanting more of the story. Thin...
Too many characters and a SLOW moving story line. Unfortunately my fancy is not tickled. *DNF so no rating
4.5 sexy starsWow this book surprised me, it was super sexy, great characthers and intriguing story.Jonah lost his mate-to-be in a horrible way, she was killed by the legendary Chupacabra, his now on a mission to kill this creature/monster. He can't move on with his life until his had revenge.Did I...