This was the parting gift of a friend and coworker. We had sparred constantly: he the devout Catholic, me the "stone cold atheist." I shook my head when I saw the title. "You don't give up, do you?" He replied in a Darth Vader voice, "Ah, but if you could be turned!" I took it as a compliment and di...
Thoroughly enjoyable -- though not, perhaps, very illuminating for people who have already thought about the Narnia books a lot. Still, definitely very worthwhile!It would have been even better (IMO) if it had been possible to include the children's letters to Lewis. You still got a great sense of d...
I thoroughly enjoyed this slight volume. The intimate and mundane details of Lewis' life are fascinating to me, and it is always helpful to see how others write letters. I'm afraid my letters are rather pedestrian. I highly recommend this book!
Another classic by Lewis. In reading his answers to children's letters, you can see more about the development and purpose of the Narnian world--and the best ways an adult author should answer a child's questions about literature.
A good general biography of Lewis, though perhaps a little obessessed with Lewis' sexual habits. I swear there was a whole chapter on whether or not Lewis and his wife had sex before they got married.
Wonderful book, with plenty of neat details and facts, esp. about his Narnia series.Excerpts: 22 January 1977Dear Martin,The books don't tell us what happened to Susan. She is left alive in this world at the end, having by then turned into a rather...