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This book was both heartbreaking and stunning at the same time. I am so grateful to the brave men and women who risked everything to save these masterpieces.
interesting book -- got bored half-way through -- but it's me, not you, Lynn...
Book is interesting, but at times it drags. It is strange how much went into saving art and how little into saving people.
I have read "Rescuing Da Vinci" and also seen the DVD "The Rape of Europa", so I am now reading the original book that was the catalyst for the book and DVD. Lynn Nicholas is interviewed in the DVD and I decided to read her book and learn more.******** after reading the book *********Having read "R...
Having visited many museums in Europe, I always had questions in the back of my mind -- What did they do with the artwork during WWII? How did the Mona Lisa avoid being captured by the Germans? How did large statues that could not be moved avoid being damaged? Well, this book answers these questio...