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I finally got around to reading this book after having it sitting on the Kindle for a while. I think I was getting up the courage to delve into the pretty intense world of BDSM that is Deliver Us.When reading the book I found myself alternating between a strange compulsion to keep reading and a desi...
I am not sure what to say about this book. I picked it up knowing there was going to be a crossover coming with the outstanding [b:Don't...|17278748|Don't...|Jack L. Pyke||22593472] but other than that, did not know much about it. This book pushed...
I am not sure what to say about this book. I picked it up knowing there was going to be a crossover coming with the outstanding [b:Don't...|17278748|Don't...|Jack L. Pyke||22593472] but other than that, did not know much about it. This book pushed...