Four & a half stars!I'd have willingly rated it five stars had it not been this short.A man's journey through sickness and his reluctantness to accept the one truth of life - He is going to die. How he starts to resent his family, his colleagues and comrades all since he is about to die while they w...
The more Tolstoy I read, the more I appreciate his literary genius and his philosophic thoughts. This was a relatively short book dealing with Ivan Ilyich's realization of his impending death. His life had been mediocre at best and he realizes he hadn't really been happy and had been trying to live ...
The first Leo Tolstoy novel I have encountered (and probably the last "novel" - his other works, as far as I have seen, are considerably thicker!), "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" is just... incredible. I believe he wrote this several years after completing Anna Karenina (I am working on that one at the ...
Holy Smoking Bananas. That was freaking intense.