While this story of the romance between Samantha Brown and Lucan is interesting I found Lucan quite irritating and couldn't really understand why such a strong person like Samantha would find Lucan so attractive and not want to slap him more. He's a suspect, he can control her mind and she's not qu...
This is so gripping! I have to read more! I just realized why I like this author so much: she reminds me of [a:Nalini Singh|71688|Nalini Singh|http://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1288454777p2/71688.jpg]!
Wow, the mystery grows deeper... and Lucan DOES have a heart!
Enough with Alex already. Didn't she have her own book~
We met our hero in the previous book (Private Demon), where he was introduced as a really, really nasty guy. One thing I like about Lynn Viehl is that there's not a single characters of hers that is two dimensional -- even the bad guys have their redeeming qualities.. Lucan reminds me a lot of Lesta...