Woodland is an award-winning author, international New Thought teacher, and human potential expert. She has worked at the experimental edges of the Mind/Body/Spirit, Transpersonal Psychology, and New Thought movements since 1972 and her particular...
show more Woodland is an award-winning author, international New Thought teacher, and human potential expert. She has worked at the experimental edges of the Mind/Body/Spirit, Transpersonal Psychology, and New Thought movements since 1972 and her particular expertise is in what gives rise to miracles. Her classes, seminars and writing teach ordinary people to live extraordinary lives so that miracles become, not just possible, but natural. Lynn is the creator of the "Miracle Experiment," a growing snowball of group consciousness, grounded in science and metaphysics, that taps the power of unconditional love for personal and collective good. It invites all participants to bypass the presumed boundaries of space and time (boundaries that science is showing to be permeable beyond our wildest imaginings) to reach out in loving compassion to all other participants, wherever they happen to be in space/time. The experiment involves focusing and directing this collective energy of love to see what miracles we can create for ourselves, each other, and the world beyond. Her latest book, "Making Miracles-Create New Realities for Your Life and Our World" is the book form of this experiment. Learn more at and
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