This has to be the best of this series thus far. It made Tianna my favorite of the girls. She wasn't completely distracted by boys, which was so refreshing. She was very protective of those she loves. It was also nice to see that the five Daughters actually got together and spent time trying to figu...
I had all the same problems with this book as I did with the others. It is just weird that these girls get so distracted by boys. I don't remember acting that way as a teen. The transitions from urgent time pressing situations to calm moments made no sense. The only reason I'm still rereading these ...
These books are getting better and better. All of the problems I've had with the first books of the series are few and far between now. Serena has quite the adventure in this book. She is slowly becoming possessed (haha shocker from the title). What I really liked was that Serena recognised things w...
This has to be the best so far of the series. I can definitely tell Lynne Ewing is getting better as she goes. There are still some awkward bits, but they happen a lot less often than they were.I dislike how easily Vanessa gets swayed by evil guys. It makes it seem like that's all she cares about an...
I must say that The Lost One has been my favorite of the series so far. I find this pretty hilarious considering that I remember not liking when I read it back in my teen years.The author's writing style is still the same, but I do feel that she has grown since her first book.This story was full of ...
It's always a little exciting to be in the Point of View of the bad guys. The Sacrifice lets us look through the eyes of Stanton. His love for Serena is great, and he tries to stay away from her for her own safety. I still think the whole love situation between a 16 year old girl and a guy who has l...
Just as remembered from the first time I read this book, Catty and her story are my favorites. I was more into this story than I was into the previous three. Catty is a very unique and fun girl who has no memory from before the day when her adoptive mother found her walking alone in the middle of a ...
This was a very short read. It continued the story of Goddess of the Night. I like Serena and her struggles between good and evil. I had read this back when I was a teenager, so I knew what was going to happen beforehand. I was a little disturbed by some of the sexual feelings and tensions going on ...
Good cliff hanger, going to have to get the next book sooner than I planned.