Read the Lynay sands story only
9/27/12 exp
Tiny deserved a few more pages. Can't even remember other authors.
I just grabbed this anthology for the Feral Warriors short and I absolutely loved it. Julianne moved to the Alexandria Therian enclave after both of her parents were killed. A young man named Zeeland befriends her and is her best friend until she matures and her feelings for him start to change. At ...
This is on hold... Till I can find the courage to pick back up and read again.. Was not impressed.
I got (& rated) this book for Lynsay Sands and she made it worth reading but it would have been better as a full book. Mortal Tiny delivers a secret package with vampire Mirabeau. Skipped most of second story because heroine was weak and immortals too complicated. I was intrigued enough to finish...