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M. Chandler
M. Chandler's Books
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Pandabearbooks rated it 7 years ago
4,75 starsI knew I liked this book going in to it, but I didn't remember just how much. I think it's a shame that this series is "just" a self-published one and it's not crossed more people's paths than it has. I'm pretty sure if Shadow's character was female, these would be some sort of best seller...
Pandabearbooks rated it 8 years ago
4,75 stars. I used to have this as a three star read, because I read it back in the day when I still rated books on one big scale. Nowadays I realize that there's no point in comparing "fun" books with "serious" books because I read them for completely different reasons. It's like trying to use the ...
StitchersGirl rated it 9 years ago
Yes! 4.5 "I-really-needed-that" Stars Where to begin? First of all, this is not a romance. It's a suspense- and action-packed crime novel with thriller tendencies. There is, however, a romance sub-plot. And all of it is so goooood. Simon Drake is a young FBI agent with a lot of ambition and drive. H...
Reader's Discretion Advised
Reader's Discretion Advised rated it 10 years ago
1. This story is quirky, decidedly charming. The Chinaman showing up gave me pause. The first thing to come to mind was that one Jackie Chan movie where he was in the Wild West (Carson City?) and they kept calling him "Shanghai Kid" and he kept telling them "I'm not from Shanghai." That one line, ev...
R *A Reader Obsessed*
R *A Reader Obsessed* rated it 10 years ago
Update I found the missing scene after the ending…. http://mchandler.org/sott/stories/mscodicil.html Reader alert! If you're expecting a romance be fair warned that you're not going to get it. If you're expecting an action/caper story then you're in the right place. This book plays out like one of...
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