by Robin Hobb, Anne Flosnik
How many different engaging, high-drama story lines can there be in one book? Don't ask me. I lost track of how many are in this one, but now my head is full of great story and I can't wait to move onto the next one. Especially since this book didn't actually end, it just stopped in the middle of ...
39. THE MAD SHIP, BY ROBIN HOBB (Book 2 of The Liveship Traders, Book 5 of The Realm of the Elderlings)I would normally read a few more books by other authors before reading another one by someone I have already read, but I just REALLY wanted to know what happened. I’ll try to restrain myself before...
Book 2 and if book 1 was complicated book 2 becomes even more so, looking forward to book 3
I've kind of said everything about this series in my comments on the first book.Even more than the Assassin's Blah series these have blurred for me, which is partially a consequence of the multiple-character viewpoint thingy that GRRM also uses so effectively in GoT.It just feels like reading one in...
I must say that I'm liking these huge books more and more. I love getting to know in depth all these characters and anticipating how they will react to certain circumstances (usually I'm wrong). I find myself cringing when bad things happen and cheering when they prevail. To me that is the mark of...
I think I'm going to save my review for when I'm done with the series. There aren't many books I've read in my life that have characterization this deep, this real, or relationships this complex. Also, I am very used to catching character or plot inconsistencies in a book. Robin Hobb must have a ste...
I thoroughly enjoyed reading Mad Ship, and despite its length got through it fairly quickly. The plot moves at a good clip, and many of the problems I had with Ship of Magic are gone from the sequel: there's less bloat, and the overall arc of the trilogy becomes clear, as do the roles of Paragon and...
I hadn't actually expected this, but I think I might like this series a teeny-tiny bit more than the Farseer trilogy. Mostly, I think, because I'm more interested about more characters in this one. In Farseer is was really only Fitz' story I cared about. Here I'm equally interested in Althea's, Malt...
Looking forward to the third volume! Quick summary: Vivacia & Wintrow being converted over to the 'dark side', Paragon being refitted and set sail out to sea with Althea, Amber & co, following the sea serpents in their quest to remember, the political situation between Bingtown, Jamailla, Chalced & ...
Looking forward to the third volume! Quick summary: Vivacia & Wintrow being converted over to the 'dark side', Paragon being refitted and set sail out to sea with Althea, Amber & co, following the sea serpents in their quest to remember, the political situation between Bingtown, Jamailla, Chalced & ...