by Matt Wagner, Michael W. Kaluta
This is the second volume of four collecting the excellent Madame Xanadu series from Vertigo/DC. The writing from Mike Wagner is excellent, as usual. I've liked pretty much everything he's ever done, from Grendel to Mage. And what can be said that hasn't been said before about William Michael Kalu...
The magical adventures of Nimue, aka Madame Xanadu. This time, she is reminded of her own encounters with the Spanish Inquisition when men in the 1920s start dying of a curse that began generations ago. On the one hand, this is also the story of Nimue being a grand ol lesbian, which I appreciate. ...
Pretty good story, very gritty and paranormal and the artistic style fit well with the story and gave it a noir feel even if it didn't have the ethereal quality of Amy's in the previous book.