Cute story. Leo was very cute, and I thought the author did a lovely job with a prompt calling for some difficult things. I really loved how well the author fit in calling the boy "Little Dude." It definitely fit the character, and was totally adorable.
This story fitted the prompt perfectly, although I have to say, personally I think it's highly unlikely to suddenly turn gay without any inclination before this. Therefore, totally forgetting about the story prompt, I was rather surprised by this turn of the events. So, overall I liked the story, I ...
Wow, a kid who actually acted his age! Loved it! Very sweet, maybe a bit unbelievable, but that's why I love these types of reads. Thanks to the author for donating their time and this cute story!
I decided to read this because one of the guys was supposed to be a chubby (10-20 lbs. overweight). I should have googled how much it is in kilos before I started reading. Seriously? 5-10 kg overweight is not worth mentioning! For a child or an animal that's a lot but not for a grown up person. I do...