First the good news: This isn't written in first person voice as I feared. It's been such a long time since I actually bought this book that I'd forgotten most if not all of why I wanted to read it. But the title kept putting me off because I do dislike first person voice narration quite a bit. (Tha...
3.25 starsNot there yet (by there, I mean the 4-stars category :p). There are some things I like, some that I feel disappointed with. This was a buddy-read with several people -- where there were also discussions among us. BECAUSE of that, this opinion is LESS of a review and more about my feelings ...
While there were parts of this story and characters that I enjoyed it felt in many ways like an afterschool special and I was being taught a lesson on bullying, on parenting, on behaviour. I didn't really feel connected to the characters in a way that their story moved me beyond anything more than a...
The cover sucks. Look at how awkward the dude's pose is. Sheesh.