The Little Mermaid is one of my favorite Disney movies and I sing along everytime I watch it. I've also read the original story by Hans Christian Anderson, which made me really sad. I think it made one of my friends cry... But I died a little on the inside after reading it.This book was so cute and ...
She came from the sea.....A retelling of "The Little Mermaid." Started out promising and then dissolved into Insta-love between characters that didn't and still don't know each other at all, bland storytelling, and a completely anti-climatic end to the struggle between Pearl and the Sea Witch that t...
Two happily-ever-after tale endings. I’ve made presumptions that Pearl and James would be the couple in this tale but the author mixed in two characters that twisted this tale into a whole new level.I love the concept and how sweetly this tale was retold. My only problem was the climax. I was anxiou...