Perilous Judgment is a legal thriller that takes us to the forefront of the ongoing issue of immigration. Edward Lamport is a man of great conviction and as a federal judge he exercises those convictions in his rulings. His most current case is of one of great controversy. Voters in his home sta...
"Reamde" is more than 34 hours long and I still regretted reaching the end. Malcolm Hillgartner delivers a masterful performance that kept me engaged thro ughout. The opening chapter of REAMDE reads like something from John Irving or Richard Russo. It establishes Richard Forthrast, online war game...
So, we're doomed. That's what I got from this book. Thanks a lot, Dr. Sax. Unfortunately, so much of what he talks about has been done over generations and we're now seeing the dismal results.Basically I think it comes down to the fact that we're ruining boys through co-ed education, ADD/ADHD misdia...
"Long, enjoyable read. "Snow Crash" all grown up.""Reamde" is more than 34 hours long and I still regretted reaching the end.Malcolm Hillgartner delivers a masterful performance that kept me engaged throughout.The opening chapter of REAMDE reads like something from John Irving or Richard Russo. It e...
I was pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this book so much. I used to love Koontz but he kinda lost it there for awhile, at least in my opinion. Not sure if I would have enjoyed it as much if I read the book as opposed to listening to it. For me, some books are just better heard then read.