Malowany Ptak
Edition language: Polski
European Literature,
Historical Fiction,
World War II,
Polish Literature,
"Malowany ptak" to książka, której akcja toczy się w latach 1939-1940. Chociaż nie znajdziemy w niej za wiele faktów historycznych, to jednak książka dotyczy wojny i okrucieństw z nią związanych. Głównym bohaterem jest chłopiec, którego poznajemy jako 7-letnie dziecko. Rodzice na czas wojny wywożą g...
Opening: In the first weeks of World War II, in the fall of 1939, a six-year-old boy from a large city in Eastern Europe was sent by his parents, like thousands of other children, to the shelter of a distant village. A man traveling eastward agreed for a substantial payment to find temporary foster ...
Is this worthy of five stars? Yes. Will I concur with that rating? No.This is a five star book I refuse to ever speak of again. It ripped my soul and I choose not to revisit that exquisite experience - ever.Damage yourself at your own risk.
Every few pages brings another basic question of life as observed through the eyes of a child rapidly gaining life experiences without enough life experiences to put them in perspective. Fundamental questions of purpose, existence, reason, are brought to the forefront with each new act of brutality...
Warning: I talk about a really gross and disturbing scene from the book in this review, please do not read if you're going to be upset and/or offended by talk of graphic sexual violence.This book is one of my dad's favourite books of all time, I don't know how many years he's been telling me to read...