by Deborah Sharp
Update for second read: Holds up to my first review perfectly; 7 years later and I still can't keep Maddie and Marty straight in my head. Still a very good read. ------------------------------------- I put off reading this book for a long time because it just had way too redneck-y a vibe for me ...
Original review posted at A Date with a Book This was a free Kindle download from quite a while ago. I found it while scrolling through my available Kindle titles and decided to read it for a cozy review. I am very glad I read this book. A great start to a series.I thoroughly enjoyed the main chara...
I put off reading this book for a long time because it just had way too redneck-y a vibe for me to think I'd find it enjoyable. But then I read about the author being a native Floridian (as I am) and I thought, well, I should give this a go, she should be able to do "old Florida" justice with out tu...
This is a book that sets out right from the start to amuse and entertain, with no pretensions beyond that, and there's abosolutely nothing wrong with that. I've never been to Florida, so I've no idea whether the small town lifestyle portrayed here is accurate, exaggerated or a parody, but it made me...
OMG..I can't believe how "light" this book was. It gives new meaning to cozy. I had a really, really hard time with this book holding my interest as there were numerous times that it came off as "silly". If I didn't need it for a challenge, I probably would have shelved it.