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Man and Superman - Community Reviews back

by George Bernard Shaw, Dan H. Laurence, Stanley Weintraub
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BrokenTune rated it 11 years ago
"... the book about the bird and the bee is natural history. It's an awful lesson to mankind. You think that you are Ann's suitor; that you are the pursuer and she the pursued; that it is your part to woo, to persuade, to prevail, to overcome. Fool: it is you who are the pursued, the marked down qua...
UNICORN PORN FOR ALL rated it 13 years ago
Look, there are three awesome acts in this and then there's that whole thing in the middle where Don Juan argues with the devil. Is the rest of the play just an excuse for Act III? Is it, like, the bread around a Don Juan / Satan sandwich? I preferred the bread.I didn't hate the Don Juan / Satan par...
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