by Terri Cheney
This is an intense memoir by a lawyer with bipolar disorder. Terry Cheney is very smart and successful but also very ill, and this book throws the reader into some awful experiences from page one – where she’s manic, determined to kill herself, and momentarily thwarted in her suicide plan when she’s...
Cheney tells her story of being bipolar as a series of non-chronological vignettes because that's what having the disorder is like for her--episodic experiences that are vivid but not always easily related. In the tradition of Jamison's An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness, Cheney's accoun...
This book made me uncomfortable at times but that only proves its honesty. Terri Cheney did an amazing job of making you understand the way someone who is manic depressive feels and thinks about situations. It was a very eye-opening read!