by Tom Leveen
I broke a lot of my own reading rules in finishing this book, but I'm fascinated by everyone's fascination with deconstructing the manic pixie dream girl trope.
I wish more YA books had more realistic characters like these.
Tom Leveen’s Manicpixiedreamgirl is an eponymous novel about the trope coined in 2007 but existing far back in the history of stories about a particular type of female character who acts as a muse to the main character. Initially described as: “The Manic Pixie Dream Girl exists solely in the fevered...
For the complete review, including a brief history of the Manic Pixie Dream girl, Check out my blog, YA RomanticsManicpixiedream girl is about a boy who drifts into a relationship he's not that into because he can't bring himself to reach out to the girl he's really interested in.The book switches b...
Nerdfighter he is? This is what happens when something confuses me. I forget what grammar is.