I really liked this book. Love me some vampires, it also helped that three of the stories were set on Halloween. And I really liked the Edgar Allen Poe story. Overall, there were only 2 stories that I thought were ok, the rest were really good.
Definitely glad I picked it up, but I have a bit of trouble giving it more than three stars--this is a must-read for any completist, but I found about half the stories to be fairly rocky.
I liked this collection way more than the Mammoth book of Zombies. "Midnight mass" and "Red Reign" were revelations, and I got the opportunity to revisit classics like "For the blood is the life" and "Ligeia". There are tales here that I will definitely read again in the near future.
This was a pretty good collection. Too bad I put it down more than a year ago, and I don't remember the stories I read back then well enough to write a competent review. I don't really want to spend the time to reread the first half, so this review is going to be pretty sketchy. My apologies for t...
Manly Wade Wellman is a master storyteller that has managed to stay very underrated in the weird fiction/horror/pulp genres. Yet reading his prose is very captivating. There are things that stand out in his writing, and they shine through in this collection of stories:1)His tendency to have optimi...
One of my favorite books when I was a kid, I've been lugging it from house to house since 1962.