Manuel Mujica Láinez
Birth date: September 11, 1910
Died: April 21, 1984
Manuel Mujica Láinez's Books
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This is a great collection! There are some big names and a lot of South American authors I have never heard of. The cover art rules. Some of the themes can get old if you read them all at once, so it is good to space things out. My favorite story was actually the first one, by Julio Cortazar, but th...
This is a great collection! There are some big names and a lot of South American authors I have never heard of. The cover art rules. Some of the themes can get old if you read them all at once, so it is good to space things out. My favorite story was actually the first one, by Julio Cortazar, but th...
This is a great collection! There are some big names and a lot of South American authors I have never heard of. The cover art rules. Some of the themes can get old if you read them all at once, so it is good to space things out. My favorite story was actually the first one, by Julio Cortazar, but th...
I'd seen this book highly recommended for fans of Tolkien, so I pickedit up. I'm not sure where that recommendation came from, because Ididn't see any similarity in the writing style or themes. The writingstyle was particularly stilted; perhaps because it was translated fromthe Spanish, but I didn't...