Okay, for what it is - a MG historical fiction short story about two American brothers during WWII - it is not a bad book at all. It is very paint by the numbers, yet informative and entertaining enough for the target audience. The tone is too modern for a story that takes place in 1940s, but maybe ...
This is a rather charming take on the legend behind the creation of the world's most iconic comic book character, but be advised that it is basically a children's book. Luckily, I only paid a penny and shipping for it from Amazon Marketplace. While it was enjoyable, I would've preferred it to be a m...
I've never been a huge fan of superhero comics, being more of a horror fan as a child. But after reading [b:The Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier & Clay|826105|The Amazing Adventures Of Kavalier & Clay|Michael Chabon|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1340800957s/826105.jpg|2693329] I was more interested in ...
Great story about the co-creator of Batman who never got the recognition or rewards he deserved until after his death. Nicely designed and illustrated. I understand the reason for the author's word play but his use of "bat" really got on my nerves.