This is an anthology, framed by an alternate version of "The Visitor" (i.e. without the desperate struggle to save his father) where Jake shows his visitor his new book, a collection of short stories set on and around Deep Space Nine. Ha'mara by Kevin G. Summers is set right after "Emissary". Sisk...
This is an anthology of stories set within the various seasons of TNG and the movies. Overall a good reading experience, even if the quality of the stories differs. I read the framing stories, Meet with Triumph and Disaster/Trust Yourself When All Men Doubt by Schuster & Mollmann, as one story - I ...
Good book to start the DS9 relaunch series.
Declassified is an anthology of 4 novellas exploring key moments of the Vanguard story. Dayton Ward's "Almost Tomorrow" is the first of the bunch, taking place before Harbinger. It details the start of Reyes and Desai's relationship, Jetanien's efforts at diplomacy, Sandesjo's being discovered as ...
This is an anthology of ten longish stories focusing on the characters of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine set from right after the pilot episode "Emissary" to well after the end of the series in the aftermath of the Dominion War. I find that Star Trek pro-fiction can be rather hit or miss--and at first I...
I really, really liked this--more than I thought I would. Technically, this isn't a novel, but a short story anthology, but it reads more like a novel given its structure and subject--Dax, the Trill symbiont in its various nine lives. As the editor said in the Introduction, "Dax is a living antholog...
Not too bad. Like any anthology, some good reads, some stinkers. Relied to much on linking every Dax host back to people we knew from the various series.
Declassified is a collection of four novellas set in the Star Trek: Vanguard setting, which takes place around the time of the original series. The Federation has built Vanguard (Starbase 47) in the Taurus Reach ostensibly to lead the colonization efforts in the region (which borders Tholian and Kli...
Probably more like 3.5 stars, but I don't do half stars...Only picked this up because I've 'met' one of the authors online, and was feeling stalkerish curious. And of course I was a big TNG fan back in the day. It was really pleasant to reacquaint myself with what felt like a bunch of old friends. ...