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Marcos Martin - Community Reviews back

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Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it 7 years ago
This covers Doctor Strange from his inception to much more recent adventures with a variety of art styles and enemies. Interesting collection, Lots of potential that hte film really did do well with. It falls into (in my opinion) Doomsday; Spellbound, Gothic, Ghost Stories, Genre: Horror; Super...
Bookish thoughts!!!
Bookish thoughts!!! rated it 8 years ago
This is another one of my Amazon Prime Reading reads. I liked this one a lot. I didn't LOVE it, but I really liked it. It was entertaining as hell and just fun to read. I only know the Netflix version of Daredevil, so I was really excited to read this version and I sure as heck wanna continue read...
Dantastic Book Reviews
Dantastic Book Reviews rated it 9 years ago
Wong has a brain tumor and Doctor Strange goes looking for a cure. What he finds is a cure to all cancer. Too bad Timely Pharmaceutical doesn't want the cure going public. Can Doctor Strange, Wong, and Night Nurse get the serum back before Wong succumbs?By the Hoary Fucking Hosts of Hoggoth, this ...
Dantastic Book Reviews
Dantastic Book Reviews rated it 9 years ago
1 - Daredevil prevents a hit at a mafia wedding and goes up against The Spot. Also, his identity being exposed is threatening his legal profession as Matt Murdock.I haven't read a modern age Daredevil tale since Kevin Smith was writing it. So far, I'm digging Mark Waid's not-as-grim take on Darede...
bloodviolet rated it 10 years ago
This is a good, but not great story featuring Doctor Strange and Night Nurse trying to save Wong who has a brain tumor. This most disappointing thing about the book is some very dated looking art and character designs. Something about it just looks off to me, I guess it's the style paired with mor...
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog)
Ronyell (a.k.a Rabbitearsblog) rated it 10 years ago
Genre: Superhero / Comedy / Action / Adventure / Suspense Year Published: 2011 Year Read: 11/21/2014 Series: Daredevil #1 Publisher: Marvel Comics Introduction: Now, I will admit that the first “Daredevil” comic I had actually picked up was Frank Miller’s “Daredevil: The Man wi...
tehtarikandagoodbook rated it 12 years ago
I've loved comics for as long as i can remember, and I'm sad to say that (recent) years of never-ending story arcs, dodgy characterisation and perplexing, unsatisfying conclusions have left me quite the jaded, cynical fan at times. Every now and then, though, a creative team comes along that breathe...
Itinerant Librarian on Books
Itinerant Librarian on Books rated it 12 years ago
A new set of short reviews on graphic novels that I have recently read over at my personal blog, The Itinerant Librarian. Click here to go read the reviews.
brandonsears rated it 12 years ago
When you think of Marvel's answer to Batman, you probably automatically think Iron Man. And why wouldn't you? Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne are both incredibly intelligent individuals who use their mental ability to compensate for a lack of "super power". For whatever reason, in my eyes, I always sa...
sixthreezy readsies
sixthreezy readsies rated it 12 years ago
I'm slowly becoming harder to impress with comics... Lol.. Okay comic, but I had a high expectation after the first Daredevil graphic novel I read last year.
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