I read this story about a year ago for a class presentation. To be honest, it is a cute story, but I think this is more of a "read at home" story. Ella Sarah does teach us to have a fun sense of style and to be ourselves, but some children reading this story would probably get the idea that it is ok...
Ella Sarah Gets Dressed by Margaret Chodos-Irvine Nice story about a child learning her independence.
★★★Ella Sarah Gets Dressed by Margaret Chodos-Irvine Nice story about a child learning her independence.
I read the sequel to this book years ago and I loved it so much that I spent the next decade searching for A Wizard of EarthSea. It was worth the wait. This book is lyrical, vivid and fascinating. It's also a quick read, not An easy thing to find among classics.
Always Coming Home: Audio Cassette (the Music and Poetry of the Kesh) WITH CASSETTE TAPE, BITCHES. Yeah, you heard me. I've tried to read this book twice, but had some sort of complete failure of imagination both times. I think I've read all of UKL's other fiction, with the exception of Malafrena, ...