Title: Mikolaus Series: Seduced by the Galdiators #1 Author: Margo Bond Collins Genre: Science Fiction Romance Publisher: Bathory Gate Press Release Date: June 22, 2017 Format: eBook Pages: 82 Source: Freebie They’ll change her life. She’ll change their world. The days of pitched battles to ...
This is a review for Curiouser and Curiouser by Melanie Karsak.Alice and her sister Bess was taken in by Jabberwocky who gave them a home and took care of them in return Alice was taught to steal. Alice along with other kids that Jabberwocky took all lived a life of crime with Jabberwocky being thei...
Dominion Rising includes 23 brand new Science Fiction and Fantasy novels. Our crew includes: New York Times bestselling authors Gwynn White, Margo Bond Collins, Tom Shutt, Felix R. Savage and Erin St Pierre; USA Today bestselling authors P.K. Tyler, Anthea Sharp, S.M. Schmitz, K.J. Colt, Dean F. Wil...
Even bad boys need love too. Hunks to the Rescue steps from the fire into the frying pan. Six degrees of separation leads to various degrees of hotness. All worthy of a five star fire alarm.Destiny's Secret - Raine English takes a walk on the supernatural side. Her hottie investigator and not so...
Happily Ever Alpha: Falling For The Billionaire is an anthology of 20 erotic stories about hot men, who have too much money. This makes finding a wife even harder. How do you know she is with you for you and not your bank account? Because there were so many books inside, I chose Finding Mrs, Rig...
I love anthologies. For me these collections give me the chance to test out and discover authors that I've not had experience reading. So Happily Ever Alpha served a dual purpose for me. Reading great stories and trying out a smorgasbord of new authors. It would be so easy for me to break down a...
*This audiobook was provided by the author, narrator, or publisher at no cost in exchange for an unbiased review courtesy of AudiobookBlast dot com, at my request.Lindi knows she's a weresnake, but has never meet other shifters until one night when an abused child kills her step-father. While at the...
Baby, It's Cold in Space is an anthology by eight different authors, with the common thread (obviously) of all being Sci-Fi related. As with every anthology, some stories I liked a bit more than others, but none of these are in any way 'poor'. Whether it is the action packed, but humorous, The Solar...
Lindi is a weresnake. She believes she is the only one. While on call one night, she is introduced to a whole new world and realizes there are multiple other shifters. She also realizes the other shifters hate her and would like to see her dead.I enjoyed this story so much. I liked Lindi and her "or...
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