A este libro lo habia empezado a leer hace muchos años. En mi temprana edad como lectora, no lo supe apreciar y lo abandone a pocos capitulos de haberlo empezado.Hace unos dias decidi que queria darle una segunda oportunidad, algo de lo que no me arrepiento. Me supe enganchar rapidisimo y en 2 dias ...
Tordyveln flyger I Skymningen (roughly translated to “The Dor beetle flying in the twilight”) is a Swedish YA book written by Maria Gripe, one of, in my opinion greatest YA author ever. She has written Agnes Cecilia – En sällsam historia which is my favorite YA book of all time. This is the first ...
The glassblower and his wife live happily until the prophecy that their children will disappear comes true.