by Susanna Kearsley
Susanna Kearsley's characters are always both intriguing and engaging. She often only shares a small group of important characters in each story and develops each one to the point where they seem like real people who could come right off the page. In Mariana, we have Julia/Mariana, Iian, Vivian, G...
This was my first Susanna Kearsley book. I'm a huge fan of gothic novels, everything from Jane Eyre to Mary Stewart, so I was looking forward to a new author. I give it mixed reviews - probably closer to 3.5 stars for me, but I wasn't feeling generous to bump my rating up to 4.This book was writte...
I didn't expect to enjoy this, but this was a surprising read. 1 star off for the ending, what the heck...
I enjoyed reading this book very much, but found it slightly more difficult to escape into than the only other Kearsley book I've read (The Winter Sea). Slight spoiler: Like Kearsley's other work, this book involves some time travel. I found the instances of time travel in Mariana much less elegant...
Julia has been drawn to a house in rural England her entire life. The death of an aunt gives her the means to purchase it. But why does the house look so familiar? And why are the people so familiar? And who is Mariana? Julia must explore the past to learn her future.Having read both The Rose G...
10/09/2012 - today's Kindle daily $2 deal. Down from $16. A steal!
Originally posted at Romance Around the CornerAt this point it should be obvious that I love Ms. Kearsley’s books. Mariana was first published before The Winter Sea and The Rose Garden, and even though there are quite a few similarities, it’s obvious that this was written first. I found it a bit lac...
I must say that I wasn't as impressed with this book as some of my Goodreads friends. It kept me intringued, but I didn't find the ending as much of a shocker as was anticipated. As a result, it ended somewhat anti-climatic for me. The funny thing is though..even with that, I think this is my favori...
When I first read the summary for Mariana, I was intrigued. The book had a slow start at first but was still interesting enough to keep me reading. Overall, it was a great story and I'm glad I took the time to read it. Bit of a twist ending too!