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Marie McKean
Marie McKean was born in rural Utah, far from city life. Surrounded by the Abajo Blue Mountains, she gained a passion for the serenity of nature. When a young adult, her sheltered and quiet-mountain life came to an abrupt end when she married and moved to the "Big Apple." New York City opened her... show more

Marie McKean was born in rural Utah, far from city life. Surrounded by the Abajo Blue Mountains, she gained a passion for the serenity of nature. When a young adult, her sheltered and quiet-mountain life came to an abrupt end when she married and moved to the "Big Apple." New York City opened her eyes to a whole new world. She later moved to San Francisco in pursuit of her advancing career and the completion of her degree in British and American Literature. Now, she creates characters that confront all the horror and happiness of real life by resurrecting forgotten historical folklore to tell the stories of her imagination.
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