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Mario Puzo's the Godfather: Anniversary Edition - Community Reviews back

by Mario Puzo
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khalidabib rated it 6 years ago
Amazing very well written and captivated me throughout
isanythingopen rated it 6 years ago
If all crime fiction was written like this it would be one of my favorite genres. I may have to watch the movie again. Roll 2 dice: 8 63. Cover is more than 50% blue 1. Author is a woman : League of Dragons by Naomi Novik 8. Author's last name begins with the letters E, F, G, or H. : ...
BrokenTune rated it 8 years ago
Don Corleone put his hand on the man’s shoulder. “Good,” he said, “you shall have your justice. Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do me a service in return. A classic among the modern classics, which I had woefully ignored, I barely even remember watching the film. Clea...
The better to see you, my dear
The better to see you, my dear rated it 8 years ago
Do I even need to explain what this one is about? Epic spanning a whole Mafia family sprawled across a decade. Onto review: Like I said in the first comment, the thing that pulls you in immediately is the perfect setting up of the magnetism, the why clans work. The comfort of belonging, the empowe...
susanvoss18 rated it 8 years ago
Set in the 1940s and 1950s in mostly New York, the Corleone family is at the heart of a well organized crime ring. Vito Corleone, the Don of the family, keeps his fingers in all the local businesses, legal or otherwise. He’s always a gentleman, holding manners and respect in high regard. However, no...
Rabbit Reads
Rabbit Reads rated it 10 years ago
This book is not for the faint of heart. It has violence, murder, and sexy times. Also cheating. This book was great, really engaging in it's story telling. It sucked me in. The descriptions were really vivid. I felt like I was there. It was like watching a movie. Don Vito was my favorite charact...
mollysmommyreads rated it 10 years ago
Surprisingly good and almost unputdownable.
Calyre rated it 11 years ago
Je lui ferai une offre qu'il ne pourra pas refuser."Tu peux faire ce que tu veux de ta vie." D'accord, encore faut-il savoir ce qu'on veut en faire.Il lui répétait que dans la vie il faut toujours inciter l'ennemi à surestimer nos défauts et nos amis, nos qualités.
1st Avenue
1st Avenue rated it 11 years ago
Everyone loves a good revenge tale. It satisfies a basic wish fulfillment instinct that's in all of us, and there's a sense of instant gratification that hits you when you reach the point where the tables are turned, gradually but permanently, and then all the pieces fall into place and heads start ...
kennethjmcginnis rated it 11 years ago
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