Marjorie Reynolds is an award-winning author, speaker, writing teacher and former movie-advertising executive. She most recently collaborated in MURDER AT CAPE FOULWEATHER, a humorous e-book mystery written by The Sun City Sluts and published by Fat Lady Press. William Morrow & Co. published her...
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Marjorie Reynolds is an award-winning author, speaker, writing teacher and former movie-advertising executive. She most recently collaborated in MURDER AT CAPE FOULWEATHER, a humorous e-book mystery written by The Sun City Sluts and published by Fat Lady Press. William Morrow & Co. published her novels, THE STARLITE DRIVE-IN and THE CIVIL WARS OF JONAH MORAN in hardcover, and Berkley released them in paperback. The American Library Association chose THE STARLITE DRIVE-IN as one of the Ten Best Books of the Year for Young Adults. It also received a Barnes & Noble "Discover Great New Writers" award, and it was optioned for film. It was a Literary Guild alternate selection and a Reader's Digest Select Editions book. Rights were sold to seven countries. Her novels have received praise in numerous newspapers and publications. She has been a speaker and conference presenter for the Pacific Northwest Writers Association, the Oregon Writers Colony, Willamette (OR) Writers Conference, the South Carolina Writers Workshop, The Pacifc Northwest Booksellers Association Trade Show, The Los Angeles Book Fair, The South Carolina Book Festival, the Edmonds (WA) Write on the Sound Writers' Conference, Seattle Writers Association, Seattle Free Lances, and at other literary arts events. Radio stations in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, and Bloomington, IN, and numerous newspapers throughout the country have interviewed and featured her. She taught advanced popular fiction at the University of Washington Education Outreach program in Seattle.Before starting her fiction-writing career at the age of 47, Marjorie was Cineplex Odeon's regional advertising director for the Pacific Northwest. She worked for approximately 15 years in the movie advertising business, dealing directly with Hollywood studios. Before that career, she worked as a newspaper reporter in Indiana, Iowa, California, and Washington.
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