Poor Sam. He had it all: a nice home, friends and family but he wanted more, lots more, he actual wants millions of donuts. What does Sam do? He hops on his tricycle and goes to the city to find them. You have to love the illustrations in the book. The attention to detail in the illustrations ...
An anthology near and dear to my heart, because it contains many of the artists that I first cut my comix teeth on. Some favorites from this mix: Lynda Barry; Robert Crumb; Krystine Kryttre]; [a:Jaime Hernandez; Mark Beyer; Kim Deitch; Paul Chadwick; Richard Sala; Dori Seda; and Joyce Farmer.
Shelve this one with [b:Hey, Al|526077|Hey, Al|Arthur Yorinks|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1317066849s/526077.jpg|513903] 'cuz it's a weird one. But for kids (and adults) who delight in the surreal this one is worth checking out. Super strange detailed illustrations and a totally bizarre storyline...